Saturday 6 August 2011

Solved - Download failed.: Could not create Temporary file

Solved - Download failed.: Could not create Temporary file

Ok, trying to do an automatic upgrade from 2.7 to 2.7.1 and after logging in it says:

"Downloading update from*.*.*.zip

Download failed.: Could not create Temporary file

Installation Failed"



if you have my own dedicated server with just one site. It can get tiresome changing folders permissions from 755 to 777. After doing some research I noticed that Apache is running with php safe mode "On"

Once i changed it to Off i was able to install/update plugins with the wp-content folder having a 755 permission.

I know that having Safe mode off is a security issue but being that i have my own server and only me as the only user i don't have a problem with it.

2> ISP won't allow it. Is there a way to designate a temp directory where additional permissions may be granted to facilitate this process?

I found two fixes which involve adding a line to the wp-config.php file. I added both and the plugins update fine now. I need to try it on one of my installations to see if WordPress itself will auto update. Here are the lines to be added to the config file:

define('WP_TEMP_DIR', ini_get('upload_tmp_dir'));
putenv('TMPDIR=' . ini_get('upload_tmp_dir'));

It should not be this difficult to figure out WordPress. Please add a variable that we can fill in the settings. Then we know which directory needs the additional permission.

Thanks, Arun